287 pages

Chinese language

Published June 15, 2013 by Yuan shen chu ban she.

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2 stars (1 review)

"在社會階級分明的伊利亞王國,當上王妃是扭轉命運的唯一機會。17歲的亞美利加幸運入選,全家人的未來全都寄託於她。選妃過程將實況轉播,全國人民屏息以待。因為,王妃只有一位。華服珠寶、美宴佳餚,亞美利加彷彿躍上枝頭。她的才華與直率贏得王子的好感,卻招來其他女孩危險的妒意。但這一切根本都不是亞美利加想要的。一輩子只有一次的競賽,沒有人願意乖乖照著遊戲規則走。而女孩們不知道的是,看似最受歡迎的亞美利加其實藏了一件不能說的心事── 一個足以讓她人生從此垮台的大秘密……"--P. [4] of cover.

28 editions

Shallow Entertainment

2 stars

It is an entertaining read to be sure, but of the very shallow variety.

You have to ignore how the entire rebel plotline makes no sense whatsoever. Every time they mention the rebels and how no one seems to have any clue what they want, I can't help but think, "haven't you ever caught one and asked?" or "can they just waltz in and waltz out and no one did anything to improve the security?" The whole thing is nothing more than a plot device to create "danger" in an otherwise "pretty" storyline.

I didn't read the physical book, I listened to the audiobook, so I don't know whether other people had the same feeling but Prince Maxon feels very flat to me. Sure some times the words sounds sincere, but most of the time they just sound flat or creepy. His use of "my dear" to every girl is …


  • Contests
  • Love
  • Princes
  • Revolutionaries
  • Social classes
  • Marriage
  • Fiction
  • Juvenile fiction