The Sierra Adventure tells the story of legendary computer game company Sierra On-Line, developers of …
Are there any Sierra On-Line fans out there who would like this book for free? I've enjoyed reading it and would now like to pass it on to someone else to enjoy it :)
Während Frieren noch dabei ist, Machts Erinnerungen zu analysieren, fallen Denken, Fern und Stark dem …
"Du bist echt."; #Frieren #Manga #MangaDe #Books
5 stars
Langsam werde ich recht unglaubwürdig. Wie mache ich nur jemandem klar, dass Teil 11 den letzten Band um einiges übersteigt. Nicht nur wurde das letzte sauber und schön abgeschlossen, der Übergang zum neuen war auch nur kurzweilig. Und dann, ja, dann hab ich geheult. Es kam wie aus dem nichts, ich schlug die Seite um und die Tränen liefen. Kein Wort, kein Ton, einfach nur ein stechen im Herzen. Fuck.
Maomao wurde aus ihrem Dienst im Inneren Palast entlassen. Nun soll sie als Angestellte dem …
"Das ist eine Pfeife?"; #ApothecaryDiaries #Manga #MangaDe #Books
3 stars
Dieser Teil war lang - ein wenig zu lang für meinen Geschmack. Die erste Storyline war sehr zufriedenstellend doch die Hälfte hin zum Ende war für mich langwierig. Teilweise lag das daran, dass ich es vermehrt im Bett gelesen habe und so leider des öfteren weggepennt war - aber nicht nur. Es war sehr wenig Entwicklung/Progress zum Ende hin. Das fand ich wirklich schade! Hoffentlich geht es wieder besser weiter :)
When we think of fungi, we likely think of mushrooms. But mushrooms are only fruiting …
An appetizer for the world of fungi, not a beginners mycology textbook
4 stars
Fungi are incredibly interesting and this book does them justice. It does an excellent job of describing their importance and the hidden connections between Fungi and plants, but also Fungi and humans. And it's written in a way that you feel close to the author, as he takes us on this journey.
I just wished there was more. More about different kinds of Fungi, more about recent science, about the importance of Fungi in different cultures etc. But I assume this is just no the scope and also not the ambition of this book, it's not meant to be an intro into mycology.
If I could I would give it 4.5 stars. It was very interesting and it made me want to dig more fungi related books, but it was not perfect. E.g. I felt a bit less invested than when reading "Never Home Alone" by Rob Dunn last …
Fungi are incredibly interesting and this book does them justice. It does an excellent job of describing their importance and the hidden connections between Fungi and plants, but also Fungi and humans. And it's written in a way that you feel close to the author, as he takes us on this journey.
I just wished there was more. More about different kinds of Fungi, more about recent science, about the importance of Fungi in different cultures etc. But I assume this is just no the scope and also not the ambition of this book, it's not meant to be an intro into mycology.
If I could I would give it 4.5 stars. It was very interesting and it made me want to dig more fungi related books, but it was not perfect. E.g. I felt a bit less invested than when reading "Never Home Alone" by Rob Dunn last year and which is another biology popular science book talking about life that is normal hidden from us. Not sure why I preferred that, maybe it's the quality of the prose, maybe it felt more scientific and more complete. So as a nitpicky German I feel hesitant to give a perfect score, so 4 it is. But I'll definitely watch out for new books from Merlin Sheldrake.